Wednesday, November 26

Wrapping Paper? Save Money & Recycle Instead

It is incredible to me that wrapping paper costs so much for so little. Save on the wrapping paper this year by wrapping your gifts in old magazines instead. I get several free magazines mailed to my residence every month so you just need to rip out the more lively papers and tape them around your gifts!

Thanks Dad for the tip!

1 comment:

Lisa Sferrazza said...

Fun and Frugal Stephanie, if there is one thing I love, it's a beautifully wrapped gift. Therefore, I just can't bring myself to wrap presents in magazines! Instead, I make sure to buy wrapping paper when it's on sale for up to 75% off. The best time to get a bargain is the day after Christmas, when a majority of paper (even that with non-Christmasy themes) is on clearance.