Tuesday, May 24

How to get 22% off at Home Depot

I haven't written in a while because Shawn and I bought a fixer-upper in Bethesda last month and we've been slaving away trying to get it ready for us to move in! Getting it ready means spending mucho dinero at Home Depot!

So here is how we save 18-22%:
1. Go to plasticjungle.com where you can buy gift cards other people don't want at discounted prices. The going rate for home depot gift cards is 7% off. We use our cash back AmEx blue rewards card to buy these gift cards, giving us another 1% cash back.
2. Register at ebates.com and then search for 'home depot'. By clicking on the home depot link through ebates, you will get 3% cash back on your purchase (even if you use gift cards and not credit cards).
3. Wait for 10% off sales. For example this month, Home Depot is offering $130 off any purchase of $1,200-$1,700 for bathroom supplies (vanities, tiles, lights, etc). So I spent exactly $1200 so I would get more than 10% off (I can always get a 10% off coupon in the store so I would only do this online if I can get more than 10% off). I only bought products that offer free shipping.
Thus my total saved was 21.8%.

In the store:
Repeat step 1 above, giving you 8% off. Then go to your local post office and ask for a moving kit. In the moving kit you'll find a 10% off total lowes purchase. Home Depot accepts competitor coupons. Combine the 10% off with your plastic jungle gift card for a total of 18% off all in store purchases.

Plastic jungle doesn't usually have lowes coupons or else I'd suggest you use your 10% off coupon where it was meant to be spent.

I'm very lucky because my new house is 10 minutes from a Home Depot and the post office is in the same parking lot!! How perfect?! : )

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