Sunday, November 30

Fun & Free Activites

Hey if it’s not your thing, it’s not your thing but why not give it a try?

1) No matter what your current living situation why not visit Open Houses for homes or apartments on Sundays? Even if you are not ready to buy, it’s fun to get a feel for different neighborhoods and to track homes you could potentially see yourself in. A great place to see where there are Open Houses in your price range is Washington Post Online.
2) Spring Cleaning! No matter the month, go through your clothing and other things to see what can be donated to Good Will or the Salvation Army. Before you drop off your items, make a list of what they are currently valued at so you can deduct them from your taxes next April. While at Good Will, remember to get a receipt AND to stop inside to see if there are any discounted items you could use!
3) Find Garage Sales in your neighborhood to see if you can snatch any deals. My husband and I just picked up a flat screen computer monitor for $25 at a yard sale! A great place to see where there are garage sales locally is Don’t forget to check out the FREE section of craigslist while you are there!

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