Saturday, December 27

Stop Paying for Bad Produce

I admit I go to the two cheapest grocery stores in town and only buy produce that is on sale. That said, the amount of really bad produce that I bite into once nestled back in at home is not cool. I used to just eat what I could and throw the rest out. I always knew that grocery stores guarantee their produce but it didn't seem worth the hastle to return the item- plus I only go grocery shopping every week or every other week.

At some point half way through the year I decided I had enough of throwing money away due to bad produce. No, I didn't start shopping at Whole Foods. I started calling the grocery stories and letting them know my produce was bad. The stores will gladly refund the money the next time you are in the store if you bring in the receipt. Let them know you called the next day but couldn't come in until now. It's that easy. You usually don't need to bring in the bad produce (verify this when you call)!

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